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The Relationship between the Change of Amino Acid and the Ferility of Cotton with Sfigma Showing

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 揭阳学院

出  处: 《江西农业大学学报》 2007年第6期907-909,916,共4页

摘  要: 测定不同育性柱头外露棉花药氨基酸含量。结果表明:氨基酸总量随着育性的增强而增加;氨基酸组分中,酸性氨基酸和碱性氨基酸都低于对照,而中性氨基酸高于对照,且脯氨酸、精氨酸、谷氨酸和甘氨酸等4种氨基酸含量少于对照,而天冬氨酸和组氨酸2种氨基酸高于对照;此外,雄性不育柱头外露棉的酸性氨基酸、碱性氨基酸和中性氨基酸都低于对照;这一结果表明,选用柱头外露棉花药败育类型作杂交棉亲本材料,就可保证杂交率在95%以上。 The resuhs of measuring the amino acid (AA) content of the cotton germplasm with stigma showing (CGSS) showed the total amount was reducing with the weakening of the CGSS fertility. In the components, the acidity AA and the alkali AA were lower than that of CK, and the neutral AA was higher than that of CK in CGSS. Among the 17 kinds of AA, the Pro,Arg,Glu and the Gly were lower than the simian three, but the Asp and Leu were higher than those the of contrast. These differences show that choosing the male sterility type as parent materials can ensure the hybridism rate to be over 95%.

关 键 词: 柱头外露棉 花药 氨基酸 育性

领  域: [农业科学]


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