机构地区: 华中科技大学人文学院中国语言研究所
出 处: 《语言研究》 2007年第4期106-108,共3页
摘 要: 从言语理解的脑机制角度看,在大脑皮层适度紧张的控制下,语境假设根据人脑受到的刺激量的大小,按照由共性因素到个性因素,即语言语境假设→常规关系语境假设→社交语境假设(包括文化背景语境假设与现场情景语境假设)的顺序出现。 From a new perspective based on the brain mechanism of discourse interpretation, this paper explores the appearing process of contextual presumptions in Relevance Theory. Under the appropriate tension control of pallium, contextual presumptions appear by the effect of brain stimulation, which is from common factors to individual factors. The order may be concluded: assumption of mental context → assumption of linguistic context → assumption of social context(it includes: assumption of cultural background context and assumption of on-the-spot-situation context).
领 域: [语言文字]