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稻秆浸泡化学组分变化对抑制球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)生长的影响
Inhibitory Effects on Phaeocystis globosa and Chemical Composition of Extracts from Straws under Different Conditions

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学生命科学技术学院生物工程学系

出  处: 《生态学报》 2007年第12期5184-5192,共9页

摘  要: 设置涉及灭菌与否、通气与否和光照与否等的8个浸泡条件,考查和比较了不同条件浸泡下获得的浸出液的抑藻作用和化学成分,以明确微生物、光照和通气情况对秸杆抑制藻类生长的影响,揭示秸杆抑藻的化学基础。研究发现,不同条件浸泡后获得的浸出液的抑藻作用存在很大差别,浸出液化学成分也有显著不同。即使浸泡条件相同,随着浸泡时间的延长,抑藻作用和化学成分也会发生很大变化。未灭菌组、通气组和光照组的抑藻作用并不一定强于相应的灭菌组、不通气组和避光组。提示微生物、光照和通气并非一定能够促进秸杆的抑藻作用,秸杆中抑藻物质的释放和产生是多个因素综合作用的结果,单一因素对秸杆抑藻作用的影响要受其他因素的干扰。绝大部分抑藻作用强的浸出液中脂肪酸、酚酸类物质含量比较高,但有些浸出液抑藻作用强,但脂肪酸、酚酸类物质含量并不高;有些浸出液抑藻作用很弱,但脂肪酸、酚酸类物质含量很高。这些结果提示,脂肪酸、酚酸类物质在稻秆抑制藻类生长中扮演重要作用。除了脂肪酸和酚酸类物质外,稻秆自身或稻杆降解过程中还可产生其他可以显著抑制和促进藻类生长的物质。 To learn the effects of microorganism, light and aeration action on the inhibition of straws on explore the chemical composition related to the inhibition, eight conditions involved in autoclaved or HABs algae and not, airproof or oraerated, light or dark were set up, and chemical compositions and inhibitory effects of extracts obtained under these eight conditions on the growth of Phaeocystis globosa were analyzed. The results showed that the antialgal activities and components of extracts under various conditions were different. Even for the extracts under the same conditions, significantly changes in inhibitory action and components were shown with the development of soakage. The extracts obtained under the not-autoclaved, oraerated and light conditions, respectively had not always higher inhibitory activities than those obtained under the autoclaved, airproof and dark conditions. These suggested that microorganism, light and aeration action had important roles in the inhibition of straws, which were responsible for the differences in inhibitory action and components of extracts under the different conditions. However, microorganism, light and aeration action, respectively, did not always facilitate the inhibition. In most extracts with high antialgal activities, the levels in phenols and fatty acids were higher. However, in some cases, the extracts with lower phenols and fatty acids had high antialgal activities, whereas the extracts with weak antialgal activities had high levels of phenols and fatty acids. These indicated that phenols and fatty acids maybe played an important role in the inhibitory effect of straw, and that some algal promoters and algaecides other than phenols and fatty acids, existed in extracts.

关 键 词: 赤潮 球形棕囊藻 秸秆 脂肪酸 酚酸

领  域: [环境科学与工程] [生物学]


作者 骆卓明


机构 华南师范大学生命科学学院
机构 香港中文大学


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