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The Basis of Wang Guowei's Aesthetics and its Modern Transformation

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系

出  处: 《文史哲》 2007年第6期95-113,共19页

摘  要: 王国维美学以及学术研究的主体和根本目的是探究生存的本质内涵,其探究所注重的是终极、永恒、本体的问题,所谓"探其本"、"第一义"、"世界人生之根本"、"宇宙人生之真理"、"人人所有之问题,而人人未解决之大问题",这一层面为王国维学术与美学研究的根本所在,是其本原与始基层面。王国维学术与美学的研究即是基于对存在本质的深层悟解与认知。这一存在之本在王国维不同美学板块、理念和学说中又有不同的延展和阐释。探讨王国维美学的现代性也必须从其美学之本进入,王国维美学的现代性转型正在于其美学之本的转换,即王国维美学与现代性的关联是立足于根本处、"第一义"处,是在本原与始基层面上的关联。王国维美学现代性转型的意义不仅在于美学、文学等学科方面的意义,更在于其突破传统道德伦理的视界与理路而进入生存本体层面的探究和立论,在于其立论基础的转化。这才是王国维美学现代性转型的根本所在。 The aesthetics propounded by Wang Guowei, as well as the main task and basic objective of his academic research, is to explore the essence of existence, with a focus on the issues of the ultimate, eternity and ontology. "The root", "the first principle", "the universal essence of life", "the truth of universal life", and "the problems that everyone faces hut no one has settled", are the main issues dealt with in Wang Guowei's esthetic and academic research, and constitute the basic and starting point of his research on the basis of his profound understanding and realization of the essence of existence. In different parts of Wang Guowei's esthetics, ideas and theories, the essence of existence has been interpreted intensively and extensively. The exploration into the modernity of Wang Guowei's aesthetics must begin with the essence of aesthetics, and the modern transformation of Wang Guowei's aesthetics lies in the transformation of the essence of his aesthetics. In other words, the relationship between wang Guowei's aesthetics and modernity is the root, the first principle, which is at the most basic and starting place of his research. The significance of the modern transformation of Wang Guowei's aesthetics is not only aesthetic and literary. Greater significance lies in the fact that it has broken through the limited vision and framework of traditional ethics and entered the realm of ontological exploration and theorization. The transformation of his basis of theorization constitutes the essence of the modern transformation of Wang Guowei's aesthetics.

关 键 词: 王国维 关学 宇宙人生之真理 现代性

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 蓝国桥


机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 俗文化研究中心


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