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Investigation and Analysis of Work State of Micro-surfacing

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 东南大学交通学院

出  处: 《公路交通科技》 2007年第12期34-37,共4页

摘  要: 通过不同使用年限微表处路面、普通密级配混凝土路面等10个路段的试验,测试了各路段的路面构造程度、摩擦系数、病害类型以及行驶车辆内外噪音,得出了微表处路面路表特性和使用性能的衰减规律:随着使用年限的延长,路表构造深度有不同程度的下降,使用3年后的微表处路面构造深度与采用AK-13的抗滑表层相当;摆值摩擦系数随年限的增长没有明显衰减;微表处路段的车内外噪音相比于普通路段都有一定程度的增大,且车内噪音与路表的构造深度具有良好的线性关系。接着,通过测试和调查结果分析发现,表面的磨耗损失、轻微程度的泛油、施工不均匀以及级配控制的不严格是导致微表处路面使用性能衰减的主要原因。最后,从原材料、施工要求等方面,提出了对微表处技术进一步发展具有指导作用的建议。 Ten typical sections including micro-surfacing and ordinary pavement of different service lives are chosen and texture depth, friction coefficient, noises in and out cars and impairments of them been tested firstly. Results indicate that texture depth has a visible degression with the prolonged service life while friction coefficient is changeless, texture depth of micro-surfacing which has been open to traffic three years before is comparative with that of surface of AK-13, noise of micro-surfacing in and out cars is higher than that of ordinary pavement and there is a liner relationship between noise of micro-surfacing in cars and texture depth.Then, reasons which bring on attenuation of pavement performance is analyzed and it is found that abrasiveness of surface, bleeding, uneven construction and slack gradation control are main causes result in attenuation of micro-surfacing performance. At last, some instructional suggestions of material and construction are put forward for the spread and development of micro-surfacing.

关 键 词: 道路工程 沥青路面 调查 微表处 构造深度 摩擦系数 噪音

领  域: [交通运输工程]


作者 赖兆平


机构 华南理工大学


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作者 王丽娟
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