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Formation,Characteristics and Prevention of the Meteorological Disasters in Meizhou

作  者: ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院地理科学与旅游学院

出  处: 《热带地理》 2007年第6期505-510,共6页

摘  要: 通过野外实地调研与室内资料整理,运用定性与定量综合分析方法,对梅州市气象灾害特征进行了分析。梅州气象灾害的形成、发生与发展是多种致灾因素交互作用的结果。复杂的地理环境孕育了孕灾环境的多样性和特殊性;不稳定的大气环流和天气系统是气象灾害形成的内在要素,影响着气象灾害的发生、发展与变化;社会经济环境、不合理的人类活动是气象灾害形成的外在条件,影响气象灾害发生的后果与程度。本文在对气象灾害致灾因子及驱动力分析的基础上,提出了防灾减灾的对策。 According to the field investigation and indoor data statistics, by using the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the characteristics of meteorological disasters in Meizhou are analyzed. Its formation, occurrence and development are caused by the interaction of multiple disaster-inducing factors. Intricate geographical environment in Meizhou leads to the diversity and particularity of disaster-inducing conditions. Unstable atmospheric circulation and weather system are the inherent factors of the formation of the meteorological disasters, which make impacts on the occurrence, development and change of the disasters. Unreasonable human activities are the extrinsic conditions, which effect the result and tempestuousness degree of the disasters. On the basis of analyzing the disaster-inducing factors and its driving factors, some measures are put forward: strengthening all-around study on meteorological disasters; intensifying the organization and implementation of preventing and reducing the disasters; improving the ecological environment to enhance the disaster-resisting ability; planning the rational layout of production to prevent the disasters.

关 键 词: 梅州市 气象灾害 致灾因子 措施

领  域: [天文地球]




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