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X-选择和射电选择BL Lax天体的性质(英文)
The properties of X-ray selected and radio-selected BL Lacertae objects

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第5期1-8,共8页

摘  要: BL Lac天体表现出一系列特殊的观测性质。按照巡天方式可以分为X-选择和射电选择BL Lac天体。很多人讨论了这两者之间的关系。文章的主要工作是:①选取了两个样本;②收集了最高观测偏振读,寄主星系的绝对星等、核主导系数等;③计算了热光度、同步辐射峰频以及峰频所对应的光度、有效谱指数。基于这些数据,考察了两类BL Lac天体的性质。结果表明:X-选择和射电选择BL Lac天体在热光度、核主导系数以及有效谱指数等性质是不同的,但它们具有很相似的同步峰频光度。 BL Lacertae objects show some particularly observational properties. They were classified as radio-selected and X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects from surveys. Many authors have investigated their relationship. In this paper, we (1)chose two samples for BL Lacertae objects, (2)compiled their maximum optical polarization, absolute magnitude of the host galaxy, and core-dominance parameter, and (3)calculated the bolometric luminosity, the peak frequency, the luminosity at the peak frequency, and the effective spectral indexes for some objects. Based on those data, we revisited the properties of BL Lacertae objects. The results show that radio-selected and X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects are different in the bolometric luminosity, the core-dominance parameters, and the effective spectral indexes, but they have similar peak-frequency luminosity.

关 键 词: 星系 天体 星系 基本参数 星系 喷流

领  域: [天文地球]




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