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Chemical composition of fluid inclusions of the Sawayardun gold deposit,Xinjiang:Implications for oregenesis and prediction

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京大学地球与空间科学学院造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《岩石学报》 2007年第9期2189-2197,共9页

摘  要: 新疆萨瓦亚尔顿金矿区发育含矿和无矿石英脉,无矿石英、含矿石英及主要载金矿物黄铁矿所含包裹体捕获的流体成分有明显差异,分别代表了成矿前、成矿早阶段和主成矿阶段的流体特征。早阶段成矿物质沉淀的主要机制为流体不混溶作用,形成含矿石英、含钠矿物和部分黄铁矿等;主成矿阶段则以流体浓缩及流体混合为主要机制,形成大量黄铁矿等载金矿物。萨瓦亚尔顿金矿的成矿流体成分特征与世界造山型的中温热液脉状金矿类似,尤其是与乌兹别克南天山造山带的穆龙套金矿类似,表明其为较典型的穆龙套式的造山型金矿床。Ⅺ、Ⅱ矿化带流体成分特征与矿化最好的Ⅳ带类似,勘探前景较好;相反,Ⅰ矿化带与Ⅳ带差异明显,不宜作为勘探重点。 Both barren and Au-bearing quartz veins occur in exploration area of the Sawayardun gold deposit, Xinjiang. Fluids extracted from the barren and Au-bearing quartz separates and pyrite separates roughly represent the characteristics of the fluids of preore-, early ore- and main ore-stages, and show contrasted chemical compositions. In early ore-forming stage, fluid immiscibility was the main mechanism resulting in precipitation of ore-metals ; and associated Au-bearing quartz, albite and pyrite were formed. In the main ore-forming stage, fluid condensing and/or mixing was the major origin of metallic precipitation, causing formation of a great deal of Au-bearing minerals such as pyrite. Chemical compositions and the evolution of ore-forming fluids of the Sawayardun deposit are similar to those of the orogenic type mesothermal gold lodes in the world, especially similar to those of the Muruntau giant gold deposit in South Tianshan, Uzbekistan. This strongly suggests the Sawayardun gold deposit is an example of Muruntau-like orogenic type. This paper predicts that lodes XI and II are potential for further prospecting because their fluid compositions are similar to those of lode IV which has been evidenced to the best mineralized in the area by previous prospecting. Whereas the lode Ⅰ is not recommended because its fluid compositions contrast to those of lode Ⅳ.

关 键 词: 萨瓦亚尔顿金矿 南天山 成矿流体 流体包裹体 成矿机制

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




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