机构地区: 西安理工大学水利水电学院
出 处: 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第11期230-234,共5页
摘 要: 已建工程的长期稳定性问题直接影响着工程的服务年限与安全性。由于近年来部分水资源的水质逐步恶化,而水质的恶化对岸坡工程安全性的影响已引起人们的密切关注。研究借助多孔介质渗流方程、污染物离子交换化学作用的浓度扩散方程、酸性污染物对土体抗剪强度的损伤演化方程,建立了酸性化学污染物运移与腐蚀对堤坝边坡长期稳定性影响的数值分析方法,并运用二维有限元分析了某河道污染物排泄口附近堤坝边坡的污染物随时间运移过程与稳定安全系数随污染物迁移程度变化情况。结果表明,由于酸性污染物的腐蚀作用,使堤坝边坡的安全系数减小明显,10年间下降了约10%。说明在污染源附近的重要堤坝边坡的长期稳定性不容忽视,应在实际工程中加强观测、及时补强。 Based on the seepage formula of porous medium,the diffusion formula of the concentration of solution and the damage of evolutionary process formula about the strength of soil,this paper derived the method of simulating the transportation and corrosion of acid contamination effect on the long-term stability of dam slope.Besides this paper also analyzed the process of acid contamination transportation during the time and the change of the stability of dam-slope during the degree of the corrosion of acid contamination.Results indicated that the stability of dam-slope decreased by ten percent due to the corrosion of acid contamination.So it should not be ignored the effect of contamination in designing dam-slope.