机构地区: 同济大学
出 处: 《财贸研究》 2007年第5期19-23,共5页
摘 要: 居民拥有一定面积的住房或能够住得起房子,是居民生存权和发展权的基本保障,更是全面建设小康社会与建设和谐社会的一项基本要求。而利益因素驱动地方政府与开发商合谋,结果必然导致商品房的大量开发,而经济适用住房、廉租住房的开发则较少,这不仅损害了城市低收入群体的住房权利,也不同程度地损害了中产阶层的利益。要保障城市低收入群体的住房权利,打破开发商与地方政府的合谋,就需要完善政绩考核办法,强化政府在经济适用住房和廉租住房开发方面的责任和义务。 Setting up the model of land agents' development behavior and the model of governments' development behavior respectively, we find that if the government special policy can not attain the profits level of the land agents, they will choose to develop commercial housing. If central government continues to use old measures of achievement examination, local government will encourage land agents to develop commercial housing. In that case, it is inevitable that land agents build more commercial housing than economical and applicable housing and low-cost housing for hiring. The result is: The urban low-income groups are hard to obtain the housing rights. Our governments should enhance their duty and responsibilities to encourage land agents to develop economical and applicable housing and developing low-cost housing for hiring.
领 域: [经济管理]