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Effects of dietary high levels of vitamin A on growth performance,feed utilization and immune responses of juvenile Cyprinus carpio var.jian

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 四川农业大学动物营养研究所

出  处: 《水产学报》 2007年第6期749-756,共8页

摘  要: 通过对幼建鲤(平均初重11.37±0.55 g)投喂5组不同维生素A水平的饲料(维生素A含量分别是3 969、23 816、39 693、99 233及158 773 IU·k^(-1)),进行70 d的饲养试验以及攻毒(为期15 d)和免疫接种试验(为期24 d),研究饲料中高水平维生素A对幼建鲤生长、饲料利用及免疫反应的影响。结果表明,饲料中过高维生素A显著地降低幼建鲤的体增重、净蛋白沉积率、肝胰脏重量、肠道皱襞高度、脾体指数、血红细胞、白细胞数量、血清溶菌酶活力及用灭活嗜水气单胞菌免疫后17、24 d血清抗体水平(P<0.05);显著提高饲料系数、肝胰脏维生素A含量(P<0.05),而对成活率、摄饵量、头肾体指数、后肾重量、后肾体指数,而用灭活嗜水气单胞菌免疫后0、10 d血清抗体水平影响不显著(P>0.05)。当饲料维生素A含量为158 773 IU·kg^(-1)时,对幼建鲤产生毒性作用。 Jian carps were developed by comprehensive breeding technique as a new variety with fast growth, efficient feed conversion, strong disease resistance, high market value, and excellent hereditary properties, and are considered a commercially important teleost for inland culture in China. The expriment was conducted to determine the effects of dietary hight levels of vitamin A on growth performance, feed utilization and immune responses in juvenile Cyprinus carpio var. fian. Prior to the formulation of diets, vitamin A contents of ingredients were analyzed fluorimetrically and vitamin A was found to be absent in the fishmeal, rice protein meal, a-starch, the soya oil. Five diets with increasing dietary vitamin A concentration (3 969, 23 816, 39 693, 99 233 and 158 773 IU·kg^-1, respectively) were randomly fed to triplicate groups of 40 fish( initial mean weight 11.37 +0.55 g) each for 70 days. Juvenile Jian carps were obtained from a local commercial farm and stocked in the glass tanks for 2 weeks prior to the trial. At the beginning of the experiment, all fish in good health and condition were stocked in each aquarium (80 cm × 55 cm ×30 cm). All dry ingredients were finely ground, carefully weighed and mixed thoroughly in a Hobart mixer. Vitamin A was pre-added in an oil mixer. The wet mash of even consistency was coldextruded through a pelletizer with a 2-mm diameter diet. The dry pellets were placed in covered plastic bags and stored frozen at -20 ℃ until fed. Each replicate was provided with flow-through tap water (2 liter min^-1), constant aeration and cleaned as needed. Initial daily ration was 3% -4% of the body weight and adjusted according to feeding response. Based on visual observation, fish were fed by hand to apparent satiety twice per day in two equal portions at 9:00 and 15:00 h over a 10-minute period. Water quality parameters were monitored twice weekly. Water temperature was maintained at 21 ℃ ; dissolved oxygen 〉1 5.0 mg· L^-1 ; total ammonia-nitrogen 0. 025 - 0. 0

关 键 词: 幼建鲤 维生素 生长 饲料利用 免疫反应

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 叶芬
作者 邓金海
作者 刘玉琴
作者 刘小玲
作者 崔珣


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 中山大学翻译学院
机构 动物科学系


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林