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The enlightenment of college subject specialty setup in the United States, Britain,Russia and Germany on the construction of the physical education subject system in China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学体育科学学院

出  处: 《体育学刊》 2007年第6期7-11,共5页

摘  要: 美、英、俄、德高校学科设置各有特色:美国以"统计、归纳"模式为主,充分尊重高校办学自主权,为新兴、交叉学科发展预留空间,具有开放性和学科增删程序规范性等特点,但缺少长远的战略计划性方面的思考,学科设置受市场需求影响较大;英国高校学科设置在学科名称体现了贴近生活实际的特点,学科设置也表现出对市场需求的过分依赖;俄罗斯以"计划、演绎"模式为主,统筹性强,但体系过于庞杂,需要简化;德国高校学科分类综合性强,体育学科与教育学科并列设置,体育学科的地位较高,发展较好。获得的启示是:我国体育学科建设应选择更为灵活的学科设置模式,增设"交叉学科",使学科体系更加开放;规范学科设置程序、学科名称兼顾国际化和本民族习惯;体育学科与教育学科并列设置成为学科门类,促进学科建设进一步发展。 Major characteristics of college subject specialty setup in such four countries as the United States, Britain, Russia and Germany are as follows: in the United States, the mode of "statistics and induction" is mainly adopted, the right to independent education management of institutes of higher learning is fully respected, some room is reserved for the development of emerging and cross subjects, its subject specialty setup is open, and its subject adding and deleting procedure is standardized, but there is a lack of thoughts about long-term strategic planning, and subject setup is significantly affected by the market mechanism; in Britain, college subject setup embodies the characteristic of getting close to the reality of life in terms of subject designation, but is significantly affected by the market mechanism; in Russia, the mode of "planning and deduction" is mainly adopted, its subject setup is highly unified, but its system is somewhat too huge, thus needs to be simplified; in Germany, college subject classification is highly comprehensive, the physical education subject and education subject are set up in parallel, and the physical education subject has a relatively high status and is well developed. The acquired enlightenment is as follows: for the construction of the physical education subject in China, we should select a more flexible subject setup mode, add "cross subjects", and make the subject system more open; we should standardize our subject setup procedure, while in subject designation we should concurrently consider designation internationalization and the designation custom of our own nation; the physical education subject and education subject should be set up in parallel into subject branches, so as to boost further development of subject construction.

关 键 词: 高校学科专业 体育学科体系 美国 英国 俄罗斯 德国 中国

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 董如军
作者 杨文轩
作者 陈彩燕
作者 白真
作者 鲁长芬


机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东培正学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟