作 者: ;
机构地区: 福建师范大学文学院
出 处: 《学术研究》 2007年第10期134-140,共7页
摘 要: 从戏曲声腔的演变史来看,中国古代戏曲的两种主要形式曲牌体戏曲和板腔体戏曲,其整体趋势是由曲牌体向板腔体演化的。一、结构体式上,长短句的曲牌体戏曲吸收齐言句法逐渐形成板腔体戏曲,在这个过程中诗赞体的说唱起到了中介和催化剂的作用;二、板式节奏上,经历了由曲牌变化到节奏变化的演变,板腔体依靠节奏的变化以构成曲调的多样性,从而更好地表达了复杂的戏剧情绪;三、腔调唱法上,由宋元时最初的唱较为固定的曲牌,发展到明代昆腔里的唱腔句,再到板腔体戏曲唱上下句的基本腔,板腔体戏曲以节奏变化作为发展曲调的原则和音乐戏剧化的基本表现手法得以最后确立和完成。在声腔演化过程中,曲牌体戏曲本身已经蕴含着向板腔体戏曲演化的若干因素,这些因素可概括为曲牌体的板腔化,曲牌的板腔化意味着曲牌的解体、曲牌个性的丧失和共性的增强,是板腔体戏曲形成的前提和基础之一。 There are two kinds of characteristics in ancient Chinese opera, which are the characters in Qupai opera and those in the Banqiang opera. The Qupai opera has had some factors called‘Banqianghua’(beat-and-tune stylization),which is not only promoted but also is a premise and basis in the formation of Banqiang opera. In the whole development of the tune artistry during the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty, it is obviously proved that the evolution of the tune artistry is from Qupai opera to Banqiang opera.
领 域: [文学]