机构地区: 广东科贸职业学院
出 处: 《广东化工》 2007年第10期128-131,共4页
摘 要: 介绍了运筹学的基本原理及其处理问题的工作步骤,并以实例介绍它在化工企业中的应用,例如在生产工艺优化中的生产安排、配料调和方面以及在企业管理中的采购决策、存贮管理、运输管理等方面的应用。运用运筹学的方法,建立模型并计算,对化工企业生产工艺及经营管理中有限资源进行合理分配,使企业能够提高效率,获得最佳经济效益。 The basic principles and working steps for handling problems of operational research were introduced in this paper. Based upon the practical examples, its application in chemical enterprises was also presented, which was mainly manifested in production arrangements and ingredient distribution in the technical optimization as well as the application of purchasing policies, conservation management, and transport management in enterprise management. The use of operational research methods, the establishment of model and calculation, limited resources being allocated rationally in production technology of chemical enterprises management, all of which would contribute a lot to inprove efficiency and obtain the best economic benefits.
领 域: [经济管理]