机构地区: 华南农业大学
出 处: 《怀化学院学报》 2007年第4期39-42,共4页
摘 要: 梁启超接受西学的三个阶段为维新运动时期、流亡日本及海外时期、一战旅欧时期。梁启超利用近代报刊传播西学影响最大时期还是在日本主办《清议报》、《新民丛报》和《国风报》时期。这一时期,他一方面提升了报刊的水平,一方面对西学的了解更为深入。梁启超利用近代报刊传播西学对国内的青年知识分子产生了巨大影响。梁启超一生中前期传播西学,晚年对西学进行反思,立足点都在于中国的文化发展和建设,力图使中国这一文明古国不断自我更新,能够迎接近代化的挑战。 Liang Qichao's acceptance of western cultures can be divided into three phase:the period of reform;the period of exile and the period of World War I.The most important effect exerted in the period of exile.In Japan,he originated newspapers and transmited western cultures.He improved the quality of newspaper and accepted western cultures deeper.In Liang Qichao's late years,he self-examined his idea of cultures which based on the development and construction of Chinese culture. All of his lifetime,he intended to modernize Chinese culture.
领 域: [文学]