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Fatty acids analysis of seeds oil from eight kinds of Camellia plants

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (苗爱清); (李家贤);

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《中国油脂》 2007年第9期78-79,共2页

摘  要: 分析了山茶属中茶、窄叶短柱茶、香花糙果茶、大白山茶、博白油茶、越南油茶、大果红山茶和油茶8种山茶属植物种子的出籽率、出仁率和出油率,并用GC-MS分析了油脂的脂肪酸组成及含量.实验结果表明,茶、窄叶短柱茶、油茶和越南油茶出籽率较高,油茶、窄叶短柱茶、越南油茶、大白山茶和茶的出仁率较高,油茶、窄叶短柱茶、越南油荼和香花糙果茶4种植物种子的出油率均高于40%.8种油脂中油酸含量为44.20%~81.07%,总不饱和脂肪酸含量为69.60%~86.28%.综合分析,与已作为油料资源的油茶相比,7种山茶属植物都可作为新的油料,其中窄叶短柱茶和越南油茶最具开发前景. The seed yield and kernel yield of eight kinds of Camellia plants ( C. sinensis, C. fluviatil- is , C. suaveolens , C. albogigas , C. gigantocarpa, C. vietnamensis , C. magnocarpa and C. oleifera ) were analyzed. The oil yield of plant seeds were determined, and the fatty acid compositions were analyzed by GC - MS. The results indicated that the seed yield of C. sinensis, C. fluviatilis, C. oleifera and C. vietnamensis were high, the kernel yield of C. oleifera, C. fluviatilis, C. vietnamensis, C. albogigas and C. sinensis were high. The oil yield of C. oleifera, C. fluviatilis, C. vietnamensis and C. sttaveolens were beyond 40%. The oleic acid contents of these plant oils were 44. 20% - 81.07%, the unsaturated fatty acid contents were 69.60% -86. 28%. Compared with C. oleifera,the other seven plants can be used as new oil plants, among them C. fluviatilis and C. vietnamensis are more hopeful.

关 键 词: 山茶属植物 种子 油脂 脂肪酸

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


作者 骆卓明
作者 刘其海
作者 陈孔亮
作者 余祖斌
作者 赵亚宏


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 香港中文大学


作者 徐焰
作者 邹开敏
作者 李景睿
作者 李尚蒲
作者 莫岳云