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Removal of Organic Pollutants from Raw Water by Combined Process of TiO_2-Photocatalytic Ozonation and Biologically Activated Carbon

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学化学与环境学院

出  处: 《催化学报》 2007年第9期779-782,共4页

摘  要: 将TiO2光催化臭氧氧化-生物活性炭(TiO2/UV/O3-BAC)组合工艺用于处理水源水,在优化工艺参数的条件下,该工艺对水源水中溶解性有机碳(DOC)的平均去除率为46.5%,而UV/O3-BAC工艺对DOC的平均去除率仅为41.6%.TiO2/UV/O3-BAC工艺对有机物去除的协同效应较强.TiO2/UV/O3过程将水中的大分子有机物氧化成小分子,提高了出水的可生物降解性,从而有利于后续的BAC对有机污染物的去除.TiO2/UV/O3-BAC工艺对持久性有机污染物的去除非常有效.其中,酞酸酯的去除率均大于94%,但随着烷基链长度的增加而降低;多溴联苯的去除率均超过89%,但随着溴原子取代数目的增加而降低. Removal of organic pollutants from raw water by a combined process of TiO2-photocatalytic ozonation and biologically activated carbon (TiO2/UV/O3-BAC) was investigated. The TiO2/UV/O3 process decomposed macromolecule organic compounds into small molecules and increased their biodegradability. Under the optimum conditions, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed by 46.5 % in the TiO2/UV/O3-BAC process, but the DOC was removed by only 41.6% in the UV/O3-BAC process. Compared with the UV/O3-BAC process, the synergetic effect of the TiO2/I-JV/O3-BAC process was stronger. The TiO2/UV/O3-BAC process was effective in removing phthalate esters, and their removal ratio reached more than 94% but decreased with the increase in the length of the alkyl side chains and the alkyl branch chains. The TiO2/UV/O3-BAC process was also very effective in removing polybromobiphenyls, and their removal ratio reached more than 89% but decreased with the increase in substitutional bromine atoms except for 2,2', 5,5'-tetrabromobiphenyl, which could be completely removed.

关 键 词: 二氧化钛 光催化臭氧氧化 生物活性炭 水源水 酞酸酯 多溴联苯

领  域: [理学] [理学]




作者 刘广平
作者 彭刚
作者 杨科
作者 陈艺云
作者 崔淑慧