机构地区: 中山大学中山医学院法医学系
出 处: 《遗传》 2007年第10期1214-1222,共9页
摘 要: 建立了FAM(蓝色荧光)标记的DYS456、DYS464a/b/c/d和DYS527a/b和JOE(绿色荧光)标记的DYS531、DYS709、DYS448和DYS522 7个Y染色体STR基因座(相当于11个位点)复合扩增分型体系。利用ABI3100遗传分析仪调查中国广东汉族151例和河南106例汉族无关男性个体的遗传多态性分布,并探讨在法医学中的应用价值。结果显示,此方法能作出正确分型的最低基因组DNA量为0.02 ng;在女性成份为男性成份150倍的混合DNA样本(总DNA量为160 ng)中能正确检出全部7个Y-STR基因座的基因型。广东和河南2个汉族男性群体中,观察到的单体型分别有150、105种,其中仅观察到1次的单体型分别有149、104种,单体型多样性(HD)分别为0.999912、0.999820;这组Y-STR单体型在两个群体中的分布差异有统计学显著意义(秩和检验:P<0.001)。此7个Y-STR基因座多态性分析适用于法医学实践和人类进化的研究。 We reported the multiplex-PCR-based genotyping method for 7 Y-STR loci, including DYS456, DYS464a/b/c/d, DYS527a/b labeled with FAM (blue) and DYS531, DYST09, DYS448, DYS522 labeled with JOE (green). We investigated the haplotype distribution of these 7 Y-STR loci among 151 unrelated Han males in the Guangdong Province and 106 unrelated males in the Henan Province, and evaluated this method for forensic practice. The results showed that this method could successfully determine the genotypes using as little as 0.02 ng genomic DNA, and the male's Y-STR genotypes could be detected in a DNA mixture in which the ratio of male/female components was 1:150 (160 ng in total amount of DNA template). There were 150 and 105 haplotypes found of these 7 Y-STR loci in these two Chinese populations, out of them 149 and 104 haplotypes appeared only once, respectively. The haplotype diversity in the two populations were 0.999912 and 0.999820, respectively. The distribution variation of the 7 Y-STR haplotypes between Guangdong and Henan Chinese populations was statistically significant (P〈0.001). Thus, the fluorescein-labeled multiplex-PCR genotyping of 7 Y-STR loci is a valuable tool for forensic medicine practice and for human anthropology study.