机构地区: 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院
出 处: 《植物生理学报(0257-4829)》 1997年第1期29-33,共5页
摘 要: 花生胚发育过程中,子叶和胚轴中都出现BAPAase活性。花生种子萌发时,子叶和胚轴中的BAPAase活性迅速上升,子叶中无新的BAPAase合成,胚轴中能重新合成BAPAase。ABA抑制了子叶和胚轴中BAPAase的活性,抑制胚轴中BAPAase活性所需的外源ABA浓度更高,Act-D和CHM不能逆转ABA对BAPAase活性的抑制作用。 During the development of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) embryos, activity of BAPAase was found in the cotyledon and hypoCotyl (Fig. 1 ). When peanut seed were in the process of germination,activity of BAPAase in the cotyledon and hypeotyl increased significantly (Fig. 2). Exogenous ABA inhibited the achvity of BAPAase in the cotyledon and hypocotyl of peanut seed developing or germinationg in vitro, and concentrahon of ABA needed was fugher in the hyPOCotyl (Figs. 3, 4 ). Act-D and CHM showed no effect on the action of ABA on the achvity of BAPAase of the cotyledon of peanut seed, but they inhibited obviously the achvity of BAPAase of the hypocotyl of peanut(Fig.4 ), these resultS indicated that no nevoBAPAase was synthesized in the cotyledon, but nevo-BAPAase was probably synthesized in the hypocotyl of peanut seed.
领 域: [农业科学]