机构地区: 中国科学院
出 处: 《天然气地球科学》 2007年第5期629-634,共6页
摘 要: 南海处于欧亚、太平洋、印—澳三大板块的交汇处,是在太平洋板块俯冲和印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞共同作用下经过扩张形成的。南海北部自西向东依次分布着北部湾盆地、莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地、珠江口盆地、台西南盆地、台西盆地等多个新生代被动陆缘盆地,这些盆地虽然同样都经历了大致相当的从裂陷到拗陷的构造演化史,但在张裂活动过程中存在着明显的构造迁移现象,构造沉降特征分析显示:在西半部的北部湾盆地、莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地3个盆地中,构造活动自北而南迁移;在东半部的珠江口盆地、台西南盆地、台西盆地3个盆地中,自西向东有构造事件发生时间逐步变晚的趋势。这种迁移现象对烃源岩的形成、分布及生烃特征等方面有明显的控制作用,表现为:西半部的莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地比北部湾盆地沉降幅度大,烃源岩发育规模也较大,具有更大的生烃潜力和更好的油气勘探前景;在东半部珠江口盆地、台西南盆地、台西盆地中,自西向东有烃源岩发育层位偏上、发育规模逐渐减小、埋藏深度逐渐减小的趋势,所以台西南盆地、台西盆地油气前景不如珠江口盆地。 South China Sea, which locates within the Pacific-Oeanic Plate, the India Plate and Eurasia Plate, is the result of Pacific-Oceanic Plate subduction and the collision of India Plate and Eurasia Plate. There are a lot of Cenozonic passive continental margin petroliferous basins in the northern South China Sea, from west to east, e.g. Yinggehai basin, Beibuwan basin, Qiongdongnan basin, Zhujiangkou basin, Taixinan basin and Taixi basin. Though they all experienced the spreading history which is controlled by subduction of Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent and collision between Indian Plate and Asian continent, the tectonic transport during the expansion is very obvious. The data of tectonic subsidence analysis suggest that the tectonic transport is happened from north to south in the west part (Beibuwan basin, Yinggehai basin and Qiongdongnan basin), which made the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins have the large- scale source rock and better exploration prospect, whereas the tectonic transport occurs from west to east in the east part (Zhujiangkou basin, Taixinan basin and Taixi basin), where the source- rock level becomes upper and upper, the scale of source-rock becomes smaller and smaller, and the buried depth becomes shallower and shallower. This tectonic transport in the east part caused the exploration prospect in the Zhu)iangkou basin is better than that in the Taixinan and Taixi basins.
领 域: [石油与天然气工程]