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An Analysis of the Aesthetic Appeals of English and Chinese Advertising from the Perspectives of Chinese and Western Cultures

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

出  处: 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2007年第5期71-75,共5页

摘  要: 广告审美诉求是广告表现的关键,也是联结广告商与消费者的有效途径。中西民族在整体观与个体取向、美善向往与美真追求以及性格特征上内敛与张扬诸方面的差异对英汉广告形成迥异的审美诉求影响深刻,而中西民族文化的交融使得英汉广告共同追求语言的典雅美、洋化美等。英汉广告审美诉求的个性与共性并存,映现出不同民族文化既存异又融合的特征。 The aesthetic appeal plays an important role in advertising, and is an effective link between advertisers and potential customers. There are great differences between Chinese and Westerners in terms of values, pursuits and personality. The Chinese concept of entirety, the pursuit of the beautiful and the good, and the introverted character are in contrast with Westerners' individualism, the pursuit of the beautiful and the truth, and the extroverted character. Such differences have profound influence on the different aesthetic appeals of English and Chinese advertising. However, the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures leads to elecent language and foreignized language employed in both English and Chinese advertising discourses. That is, similarities as well as differences exist simultaneously in the aesthetic appeal of English and Chinese advertising, which reflects the difference and the fusion of differential ethnic cultures.

关 键 词: 民族文化 差异 交融 英汉广告 审美诉求

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 王有基
作者 宋立民
作者 侯萍英
作者 贺焕兰
作者 闵玲玲


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏