机构地区: 中南大学信息物理工程学院
出 处: 《系统工程》 2007年第2期101-105,共5页
摘 要: 现代制造系统需要更高的可靠性。基于系统的特点,人因失误不管是对生产还是对安全都会产生很大的影响,直接决定了整个系统的性能。本文着重分析了制造系统中人因失误以及它对整个系统性能的影响。提出了一个新的人因失误分析方法——把人的可靠性和整个系统性能结合起来,把人误和异常扰动的发生和处理联系起来,通过获得具有行业特征的PSF来分析整个系统的人因失误。这种方法可以作为一个能够辨识制造系统中异常扰动和潜在的人误的工具,同时可以在工程实践中减少人因失误发生。 Modern manufacturing system needs higher reliability. Due to the features of the system, human factors have great influence upon its safety and production and its performance directly. The paper focuses on the human errors and their influences upon the whole system and thus puts forward a new human error analysis method - to combine the reliability of human with the whole performance of the system, to combine human error with abnormal disturbances in a system to obtain system-characterized performance shaping factors (PSF) to analyze the human errors related to it. The technique has been developed into a tool that can be employed to identify the potential human errors and abnormal disturbances and simultaneously to set forth an engineering method to appropriately reduce the errors.
关 键 词: 安全管理工程 人因失误分析框架 异常扰动 数据分析 评定
领 域: [核科学技术]