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Alfalfa Leaf Application in Flour Products

作  者: ; ; (张安);

机构地区: 长沙理工大学

出  处: 《中国粮油学报》 2007年第4期38-42,共5页

摘  要: 从紫苜蓿叶中提取出的苜蓿叶蛋白含57.9%蛋白质和12.7%膳食纤维,是一种良好的食用蛋白新资源。苜蓿叶蛋白的氨基酸配比较合理,营养价值较好,但工艺特性较差。对面粉的添加量超过3%~4%时,会对面包焙烤品质、面条烹煮品质造成明显不良影响,因此通常的添加范围不超过3%~4%。当添加量增大时,需同时添加小麦活性面筋粉等品质改良剂。以苜蓿叶渣为原料经先进工艺制得的膳食纤维粉,含10.7%水溶性纤维、17.64%半纤维素、36.22%纤维素和9.24%木质素,膨胀力和持水力分别为9mL/g和800%,是一种良好的食品新资源。 Alfalfa ( Medicago Sativa) leaf protein (ALP) containing 57. 9% protein and 12.7% dietary fiber is a good new resource of human edible protein. ALP is good in amino acid pattern but rather poor in technological properties. Over addition of ALP into flour would negatively affect the bread baking and noodle cooking properties. The proper level for adding ALP into wheat flour is therefore limited within 3%~4%. Some improvers such as vital gluten are needed when ALP addition level increases. The residue of alfalfa leaf after the protein extraction can be used to produce highly active dietary fiber which contains 10.70% water soluble fiber, 17.64% hemicelluloses, 36.22% cellulose, and 9.24% lignin, and exhibits expansibility and water - capacity of 9mL/g and 800% respectively; it is a good and new food resource fiber

关 键 词: 紫苜蓿 叶蛋白 面包焙烤品质 面条烹煮品质 膳食纤维

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


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