机构地区: 闽江学院地理科学系
出 处: 《中国农学通报》 2007年第9期209-217,共9页
摘 要: 【研究目的】以建瓯万木林常绿阔叶林(C)和人为破坏阔叶林(D)为对象分析人为干扰对群落物种组成及其数量特征的影响;【方法】野外调查样方植物种、个体数、植株高度、胸高直径、冠幅(盖度)和生活型,分析重要值、频密值及群落优势度;【结果】干扰后D群落物种更丰富;C群落演替已达到相对稳定阶段,D正在形成物种更为丰富的典型当地地带性植被类型;木荷和罗浮栲在C和D群落中都具有最大重要值;C群落喜阴植物种类较多,D群落则以阳性和中性植物种类较多;垂直高度3m以下的层次,D群落重要值(或频密值)较为平均地分配到各物种上;D群落稳定性较C差;【结论】一定程度的人为干扰与封山育林相结合是维持甚至增加群落物种多样性的有效手段;干扰群落经封山育林向典型地带性植被类型演替。 [OBJECTIVE]Based on the investigation to conserved forest communities in Wanmulin Nature Reserve(C) and human-caused disturbed forest communities(D) in Jianou city, the effects of human- caused disturbance on the sorts of species and their quantitative characteristics of evergreen broad- leaf forest were analyzed; [METHOD]The sorts, number, length, diameter at breast height, crown diameter and living form of species in each plot were recorded, and the importance values, frequency-density value and community dominance were analyzed; [RESULTS]The sorts of species were in- creased in D; The evolution of C came to a relatively steady level whereas the D communities were evolving to the typically local vegetation types with more species; There are more shade species in C communities whereas there were more neutral and heliophilous plants in D communities; At the layer below 3m height, each species attained the same important value; The dominance index of C community was higher than that of D; [CONCLUSION]The species diversity of communities could be maintained and even then increased by the combination of a certain degree of human-caused disturbance and mountain closure. The disturbed communities will evolve to the typically local vege- tation types by mountain closure.