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Preparation of Polyacrylic Polyols Mini-emulsion with Dynamic Emulsion Technology

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《精细化工》 2007年第9期919-922,共4页

摘  要: 采用聚合体系乳化剂HLB值动态变化的合成工艺,制备了w(丙烯酸羟乙酯)=12%的聚丙烯酸酯多元醇细乳液(PAME)。PAME的优化合成条件为:m(混合单体):m(AA):m(乳化剂):m(KPS):1:0.02:0.025:0.004,釜底乳化液HLB值为31.6,滴加部分预乳化液HLB值为20.9,m(滴加乳化剂):m(釜底乳化剂):3:2,反应温度为80℃,反应时间为4~5h。聚合过程无需pH缓冲剂,细乳液粒径〈110nm,室温贮存1a无沉底。 By semi-continuous dynamic emulsion technology,in which the hydrophil-lipophil balance (HLB) of emulsifiers varied continuously, polyacrylic polyols mini-emulsion (PAME) with high hydroxyethyl acrylate(HEA) contents( = 12% ) was synthesized. The optimal synthesis conditions of PAME were :m( mixed ) : m ( AA ) : m ( emulsifers ) : m ( KPS ) = 1:0.02:0. 025:0. 004, m (additional emulsifiers) : m ( kettle emulsifiers ) = 3 : 2, HLB of kettle emulsion 31.6, HLB of pre-emulsified emulsion 20. 9, polymerization temperature 80 ℃ and polymerization time 4 - 5 h. Without pH buffering agent,a mini-emulsion with particle size less than 110 nm was prepared. After the mini-emulsion was stored at room temperature for one year, there was no deposition at the bottom of the container.

关 键 词: 动态乳化 聚丙烯酸酯多元醇 细乳液 水性双组分聚氨酯 丙烯酸系列化学品

领  域: [化学工程]




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