机构地区: 华南理工大学公共管理学院
出 处: 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2007年第9期33-35,共3页
摘 要: 教育公平在构建和谐社会中具有不可替代的基础性地位和作用,但当前我国在教育资源的配置、教育机会的享有以及教育制度、教育观念等方面却存在着很多不公平现象。建议通过加大政府对教育事业的投入,促进教育资源配置的合理化、均衡化,建立弱势补偿的政策机制,加强对教育腐败与教育特权的监督,扩大教育规模等途径来解决和谐社会构建过程中的教育公平问题。 Educational equity plays a basic role that can not be replaced inconstructing harmonious society. However, there exists much unfair educationpbenomena in our society, such as being unfair in educational resource educational opportunity, the unfaimeas caused by pivot schools gender, and so on. Therefore, thearticle suggests that we can solve the problem by increasing outlay coUocatingeducational resource reasonably compensating the weak preventing corrupfionenlarging educational scale.