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Salt and Grain Circulation and the Formation of the Economic Region in the Border Areas of Min ,Yue and Gan

作  者: ;

机构地区: 赣南师范学院历史文化与旅游学院

出  处: 《赣南师范学院学报》 2007年第4期77-80,共4页

摘  要: 闽粤赣边区在行政上隶属于福建、广东、江西三省,是汉民族客家民系最重要的聚居地。闽粤赣边区盐粮问题由来已久,粮食方面,闽西、粤东均缺粮,赣南盛产粮食。食盐方面,当时食盐由国家统销,汀食福建盐,赣南食淮盐。而潮盐优质廉价,汀、赣二州百姓,都喜食潮盐。盐制的不合理和粮食分布的不匀称的状况构成了闽粤赣边区的盐粮流通。清代闽粤赣边区食盐贸易频繁,米盐贸易成为闽粤赣经济区域商品贸易的主要内容之一,在很大程度上促成了该经济区域的形成。 On administration,the border areas of Min,Yue and Gan were the subjection of the three pmvices such as Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi . On the history ,west Min and east Yue were lack of grain. South Gan teemed with grain. Ding utilized Fujian salt and south Gan utilized Huai salt. But the people of Ding and Gan liked to eat sea salt. The difference of distribution of salt - grain abundance - lack brought on a series social problem and the status of "salt - grain circulation" in Min , Yue and Gan border areas were formed.

关 键 词: 盐粮流通 盐制 闽粤赣经济区域

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 章文钦


机构 广州大学


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作者 曾彧
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