作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院
出 处: 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期111-114,共4页
摘 要: 通过比较两种考试方式:自主性测试和传统测试,探讨了学生自主权对听力测试成绩的影响。实验表明,学生自主权不能帮助考生取得更好的表现。很可能,考试时间分配不当是导致表现差强人意的原因。而且,自主权所带来的各种策略的运用不一定帮助提高听力理解。笔者建议为了获得更好的成绩,在进行自主性测试前,应对考生进行考试时间分配的训练。 This paper reports an empirical study which was set out to find out the effect of students' autonomy on their test performance by comparing two different ways of assessing EFL learners' listening comprehension, an autonomous test and a tradi tional one. Students' performance in both tests exhibits no statistically significant difference. The failure of the autonomous test to yield better results may probably be attributed to inappropriate time allotment. Furthermore, the strategy use, made possible by the presence of autonomy, might not have been conducive to good performance as expected. It is recommended that when adopting an autonomous way of testing, examinees should receive training on time allotment so that the test would yield fruitful results.
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