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Analysis of Correction Method on Eddy Flux Measurement over Complex Terrain

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物园

出  处: 《中国农业气象》 2007年第3期233-240,267,共9页

摘  要: 复杂地形条件下涡度相关法通量观测修正方法以及夜间净生态系统CO2交换通量(NEE)质量评价方法,是世界范围内通量观测研究中的重大技术问题。本文以鼎湖山南亚热带针阔叶混交林生态系统涡度相关法碳通量观测数据,探讨典型订正方法对CO2通量估算的影响。主要结论有:1)基于流线坐标系统的二次坐标旋转(DR)、三次坐标旋转(TR)和平面拟合坐标旋转(PF),均使得CO2通量(Fc)绝对值趋于变小,变化幅度依次为:DR Based on the observation data of the flux measurement in the subtropical coniferious and broad-leafed mixed forest ecosystem in Dinghushan, the influence of the typical correction method on eddy flux estimates of carbon dioxide was analyzed. The main results were as follows : 1 ) By using all of the three coordinate system transforming methods of Double Rotation (DR) , Triple Rotation (TR) and Planer Fit (PF) , the absolute values of CO2 flux (Fc) after terrain correction tended to be smaller than uncorrected values. Sequence order of changed Fc extend was DR 〈 PF 〈 TR. The influence of coordinate transforming on eddy flux was smaller in daytime than that in nighttime, smaller in winter than that in summer, and smaller above canopy than below canopy. 2) The appropriate corrected u ' threshold of Fc below and above canopy were estimated as 0.05ms^-1 and 0.2ms^-1respectively. 3) For the commonly problematic issue of underestimation of nighttime CO2 Eddy flux, WPL correction contributed nothing, while coordinate system transforming even made further underestimation. The correction of the nighttime storage item (Fs) increased slightly, but not significantly. The u^* correction of the nighttime Fc increased significantly, but still lower than that measured by chamber method. Nighttime Eddy flux measurement could be better corrected if chamber measurement was available and combined.

关 键 词: 涡度相关 碳通量 鼎湖山 针阔叶混交林

领  域: [农业科学]




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