机构地区: 北京市水利规划设计研究院
出 处: 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报》 2007年第2期121-124,共4页
摘 要: 新安江横跨皖浙两省,是浙江省最大的入境河流,其优质的水源是经济发达的浙江北部和东部地区生产和生活的保证。本文运用支付意愿法和效益价值法分别计算了新安江流域上游地区的水资源价值。计算结果表明,新安江流域上游地区水资源价值介于0.71~0.73元/m^3之间。流域水资源价值的核算,不仅是上下游之间水权的交易和流域生态补偿标准制定的基础,还可为当地水价的合理制定提供科学依据,有利于规范地方的水资源价值水平,促进水资源的可持续利用和高效管理。 The XinAn River flowing from Anhui Province is the largest inbound river of Zhejiang Province. It is the main water resource of the north and east Zhejiang. In this paper, the value of water resources in upper reaches of XinAn River was calculated based on the willingness-to-pay method and benefit-value method. The result indicated that this value is about 0.71~0.73yuan/m^3 , which would support the formulation of water value level of XinAn River and provide a scientific base for water price making. It can also promote sustainable utilization and effective management of water resources.
关 键 词: 水资源价值 新安江流域 支付意愿法 效益价值法
领 域: [经济管理]