机构地区: 中国科学院地理研究所
出 处: 《地理科学》 1997年第2期97-104,共8页
摘 要: 中国人很早以前就有区域分异的概念,由此产生的区域可持续发展思维成功地运用到三角洲的开发和三角洲文明的形成之中。在以海岸带为基线、面向内陆和面向海洋的区域开发与区域交往的漫长历程中,古代留下众多历史启示。古往今来,区域划分一直是中国区域开发的重要组成部分。5000年文明成功的经验与失败的教训,锤炼出区域划分的目标:寻求区域内部的向心力和亲和力、保持中央集权与地方分权的最佳临界状态、分级处理模糊边界。并且,由此而发展了一套区域划分的准则:行政管理区域与自然单元吻合、经济发展优势互补、尊重民族、文化和历史传统以及以城市为区域核心。如此保障了区域开发的可持续性。古为今用,浩瀚历史包容的经验,值得吸取,以正确对待和处理勘界、腹地扩张、流域分割等当前区域工作中的新问题。展望21世纪,区域开发的突破点:面向海洋。 Chinese had noticed regional differences in ancient times and thus arouse the concept of regional sustainable development which was successfully applied to delta cultivation and civilization. Over the long term of regional development and regional exchange, much experience therefore was accumulated based on coastal zones, toward both inner land and open ocean. Regionalization, a basic job preceding sustainable development of a region, has also been carried out in China since ancient times. More important, patterns of regionalization were retained, and serve as references even today. Reflections on China's historical enlightenment can assist us in locating the breakthroughs in regional development in the 21st century: facing the oceans with the seaport cities as nucleuses.
领 域: [经济管理]