机构地区: 华南师范大学体育科学学院
出 处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2007年第4期77-79,共3页
摘 要: 强攻仍是世界女排比赛最重要的得分手段,中国女排在强攻得分率方面与外国女排相比不占优势,后排进攻有了较大进步,但与冠军俄罗斯女排相比差距较大,中国女排快攻使用率高于外国女排,中国女排快攻得分最多的是背飞、背快、双快,2、3号位的交叉跑动进攻。外国女排以2号位的背飞和3号位的高点近体快球进攻为主。面对2008奥运,中国女排应努力提高强攻技战术水平和增加新秀大型比赛经验,在保持2号位快速多变打法优势的同时加强3号位的快攻和拦网,进一步加强全队配合默契的程度。 Power play is still the most important scoring means in the matches of world women's volleyball. Chinese women's volleyball on the side of power play doesn't have advantages though their back-line attack have a lot more improvement than before, it still exists a little wider gap with the champion team-Russia women" volleyball team. Chinese womenj volleyball is more than other foreign countries at the rate of using fast attack, and the main scoring means of fast attack of Chinese women' volleyball are back flight, quick spike from back set, double quick and switch attack at the position No.2 and No.3. Foreign women's volleyball teams mainly depend on the back flight at position No.2 and quick spike from close set at position No.3. In order to win in 2008, Chinese team should increase competitive experience, reinforce quick attacking at No3 and strengthen cooperation in the whole team.