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宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)、紫花地丁(V.yedoensis)光合异质性比较
A comparative study in photosynthesis heterogeneity of Viola baoshanensis and V. yedoensis

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学化学与环境学院环境科学研究所

出  处: 《生态学报》 2007年第7期2983-2989,共7页

摘  要: 利用荧光成像技术,研究了特定和不同光合有效辐射下,宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)、紫花地丁(V.yedoensis)不同叶龄(幼叶和成熟叶片)叶片纵向(叶基、叶中部、叶尖)间的光合异质性特征。特定光化光照射下,两种堇菜不同叶龄的Fv/Fm、ΦpsⅡ、qP、PS/50和Abs在叶尖、叶中部、叶基间呈依次降低趋势,NPQ/4和qN变化趋势与之相反。Fv/Fm、ΦpsⅡ和Abs在两种堇菜不同叶龄的叶片纵向间均没有显著性差异,NPQ/4和qN均显示宝山堇菜不同叶龄的叶片纵向间存在显著差异;但NPQ/4和qN分别显示紫花地丁成熟叶和幼叶叶片的叶尖和叶基处差异显著。qP的显著差异只存在于宝山堇菜幼叶的叶尖和叶基处,PS/50在两种植物幼叶纵向间均有显著差异。快速光曲线的变化中,两种堇菜α由叶尖向叶基下降幅度不明显,幼叶纵向间Pm差异显著,成熟叶叶尖处Pm显著高于叶中部和叶基。两种堇菜成熟叶叶尖处Ik显著高于叶中部和叶基,宝山堇菜幼叶纵向间Ik差异显著,而紫花地丁幼叶纵向间Ik差异不显著。以上结果反映出两种堇菜叶片纵向间Fv/Fm和ΦpsⅡ具有较高的均质性,Fv/Fm和ΦpsⅡ的下降受到NPQ/4、qN、qP、PS/50和Abs的综合影响,但Fv/Fm和ΦpsⅡ的变化与NPQ/4、qN、qP、PS/50的显著变化并不一致。叶龄对两种堇菜叶片纵向间α影响不显著,对Pm影响显著,α的小幅下降反映两种堇菜叶片纵向间捕光能力基本相同。叶片纵向间Ik的显著差异受叶龄和植物种类的综合影响。 Effects of leaf age and longitudinal location on photosynthesis heterogeneity in Viola baoshanensis and V. yedoensis were studied using Imaging-PAM exposed to the special and different photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Under special PAR, Fv/Fm, Фps Ⅱ , qP, Abs and PS/50 decreased from the apex to the base of the young and maturate leaves of the two Viola species, while NPQ/4 and qN showed the opposite pattern. Fv/Fm and Фps Ⅱ showed spatial homogeneity by no obvious difference among the apex, middle and basal of the leaves of the two species. Other significant differences in fluorescence parameters varied along the longitudinal with the plant species and leaf age. There wassignificant difference in PS/50 among the base, middle and apex in the young leaves of two Viola species, while significant difference of qP was found only in the young leaf of V. banshanensis. NPQ/4 and qN were significant different among the apex, middle and base of the young and old leaves of V. baoshanensis, but significant difference in NPQ/4 and qN was found between the apex and the basal in the mature and young leaf of V. yedoensis, respectively. Rapid light curve (RLC) showed no effects of leaf age and longitudinal on the efficiency of light capture in the two Viola species, as indicated by light-limited photosynthetic efficiency (a). The highest Pmax was found at the apex, the lowest at the basal in the young and old leaves of the two Viola species in RLC, Pmax of the middle parts of leaves was different from that at the basal and apext because of leaf age. The highest of Ik was all determined at apex of the different leaf age in the two Viola species. The above data showed a clear pattern of photosynthesis heterogeneity in the leaf longitudinal, which might relate to the basal meristem and leaf age.

关 键 词: 宝山堇菜 紫花地丁 荧光成像技术 光合异质性

领  域: [生物学] [生物学] [生物学]




作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发