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Effects of Major Projecton Regional Economic Space: A Case Study of the Construction of New Railway Station in Zhongcun Town,Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; (苏建忠);

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心

出  处: 《热带地理》 2007年第4期360-363,368,共5页

摘  要: 在区域经济发展过程中,重大项目的影响比一般的经济因素显得更为重要和关键。而对受影响的区域来说,在我国现行行政区划体制下,乡镇所受的影响更为直接。2003年,广州新火车客站(以下简称新客站)规划选址于钟村镇石壁地区,引起了国内外的极大关注。通过实证分析,发现新客站的建设将会引起当地经济空间结构的极大改变,同时也会带来一系列的社会问题。 The effects of major project are more important and pivotal than those of ordinary economic factors in the process of regional economy development. In current administrative system of China, the town where the project is situated is affected more directly. In 2003, a new railway station of Guangzhou was planned at Shibi Village of Zhongcun Town, which has attracted overseas and domestic great attention. By demonstration analysis, it is found that construction of new railway station will bring tremendous effects on Zhongcun Town, including the promotion of general position, change of economic pattern, integration of urban land-use structure, conversion of industrial structure and shift of spatial economic connection. Some suggestions are put forward: develop city industries to change economic pattern, construct storied buildings for industry so as to economize space, enhance the tertiary industry to serve the new railway station.

关 键 词: 重大项目 钟村镇 经济空间 影响

领  域: [历史地理] [建筑科学]


作者 程昱
作者 张怡筠
作者 覃巧华
作者 张东彪
作者 郝德鸿


机构 社会工作系
机构 广东科技学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇