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Characteristics of the Coral Reefs along Continental Coast of South China

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所边缘海地质重点实验室

出  处: 《热带地理》 2007年第4期294-299,共6页

摘  要: 华南大陆沿岸不乏造礁石珊瑚生长,但能成礁的仅在西部广西涠洲岛、斜阳岛和广东雷州半岛西南海岸,均为岸礁,累计礁体长约63 km,约占华南大陆(含近岸岛屿)岸线的1%,礁厚1-4 m,总面积约45 km^2。礁体在全新世中期形成,胶结程度差,内礁坪部分已被沿岸泥沙覆盖,活珊瑚种类较少。进入全新世晚期,环境条件发生变化,冬季表层平均水温略低,沿岸泥沙运动活跃,人类生产活动对水质的影响等,珊瑚礁发育受到制约。但在西部海岸局部地方造礁珊瑚仍然顽强地生长,礁体向海拓展。预测未来冬季水温升高,更有利于珊瑚礁自然恢复。 The continental seacoast of South China are situated at the northern fringe of the tropics, where there are reef-building corals to grow up in coastwise adlittoral area, but coral reefs can only be seen in Weizbou Island and Xieyang Island of Guangxi and the southwest coast of Leizbou Peninsula in Guangdong. These reef bodies were formed during middle Holoeene about 8 - 4 kaBP. They are only dispersed narrowly in part area of western coast, the whole reef bodies add up to 63 km long, approximately account for one percent of the length of the shoreline in South China ( including the inshore islands), covering a total area of about 45 km^2. The reef bodies are thin, about 1 - 4 m. The type is unitary fringing reef. Their conformation is monotonous, only reef flat and fore seaward reef slope can been seen. Deeply affected by the accumulation of terrigenous silt and sand, cementation degree of the reef bodies is inferior, and parts of inner-reef flats have been covered by silt and sand. The species of the reef- building coral are few, and there are about 48 kinds in Weizhou Island and 42 kinds in southwest of Leizbou Peninsula. In late Holocene, the growth of the coral reefs was restricted because of the lower water temperature. The average temperature of surface water in winter along the coast was generally( 15 - 18)℃, and the lowest water temperature in the west was between 11.80℃ ( Weizhou Island staion) and 12.3℃ ( Haikou station), while it was even lower in the east, some corals could not grow or even die there. There are 91.22 × 10^6t suspended bed loads from the rivers of South China to be transported to the sea every year, and the seawater with high silt content is disadvantageous to the growth of coral and developing into reefs. The coral growth is being threatened and destroyed by human activities, especially blasting fish, collecting shellfishes and culturing nacre in the reef area, as well as draining contamination. The age of the out-reef flat in the studied reef is younger than 12

关 键 词: 岸礁 珊瑚礁发育 华南大陆沿岸

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




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