机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室
出 处: 《广西植物》 2007年第4期527-536,共10页
摘 要: 旋花科植物金钟藤在中国华南地区已蔓延暴发成为"森林杀手",已引起各界的高度关注。该文对金钟藤的系统归隶、基名与异名、模式标本、分类文献,以及相关种进行考证和分析,澄清了一些误解和标本鉴定的错误,论证了金钟藤变种黄毛金钟藤在中国仅产于广西,而云南产的黄毛金钟藤实为铜钟藤,并把Merremia biosiana var.sumatrana van Ooststr.作黄毛金钟藤的新异名处理。 Merremia boisiana (Gagnep.)van Ooststr. (Convolvulaceae)spread over South China. It became a"forest killer"and caught much attention. Taxonomic revision was made based on basionym,synonym,literature survey, type and relative specimen observations. Inaccurate or error determinations were corrected. M. boisiana (Gagnep.)van Ooststr. var. fulvopilosa(Gagnep. )van Ooststr. occurred only in Guangxi of China,and that formerly reported occurrence in Yunnan Province was actually Merremia bimbim(Gagnep. )van Ooststr. ,and M. biosiana var. sumatrana van Ooststr. was a synonym of the former. Description of the species and infraspecific taxa were given.
领 域: [生物学]