作 者: ;
机构地区: 惠州学院
出 处: 《特区经济》 2007年第6期84-86,共3页
摘 要: 从抵制日货的原因、利弊和困境方面看,抵制日货不能走形而上学“非此即彼”的极端,只能是“有理、有利、有节和有度”的有限抵制,而且要刚柔相济有张有弛,并突出对日交流和中日友好的善意。就事论事抵制“问题日货”,合情合理合法,但要光明磊落理直气壮且减少其负效应,则需倡导“民意”嬗变:支持国货,抵制劣货。 In the view of the reasons、advantages、disadvantages and dilemma,the Resistance to Japanese Goods is not to go to metaphysical and alternative extreme but to take rational and legal measures to resist reasonably、beneficially、politely and finitely,as well as to develop and enhance the interaction and friendship between China and Japan.The purpose is to resist the goods in poor qualities,reduce their negative effects and initiate the evolution of public opinion:support native goods and resist the goods in poor qualities.
关 键 词: 抵制日货 军国主义 支持国货 抵制劣货 中日友好
领 域: [经济管理]