机构地区: 昆明学院经济系
出 处: 《双语学习》 2007年第07M期107-109,112,共4页
摘 要: 本文在系统分析了国际经济与贸易专业开展双语教学的必要性以及可行性的基础上,以国际经济学为例着重探讨了国际经济与贸易专业开展双语教学的具体教学实践活动,并据此提出了国际经济与贸易专业开展双语教学的相关建议。 In this paper, we firstly systematical analyze the and feasibility of bilingual teaching in the major of international economics and trade, and then sufficiently discuss how to make bilingual teaching in the major of international economics and trade in the case of international economics. Lastly, we give some of suggestions involving how to make bilingual teaching in that major according to the materials discussed above.