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Dynamic Variation of Sugar,Acid and Vitamin C Content during Fruit Development in Wampees(Clausena lansium(Lour.) Skeels)

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2007年第7期568-571,共4页

摘  要: 研究了黄皮两个主要栽培品种鸡心黄皮和郁南无核黄皮果实生长动态及其发育过程中糖、酸和维生素C含量的变化规律。结果表明:两个黄皮栽培品种果实纵、横径生长均呈双“S”型曲线;糖、酸和维生素C含量的变化两品种间虽有差异,但随着果实发育成熟呈规律性变化。果实糖含量随着果实发育成熟逐渐增加,其中鸡心黄皮在果实转黄后第3周(即花后12周)剧增,而无核黄皮在转黄后第5周(即花后14周)剧增;果实酸含量随着果实发育成熟逐渐下降,其中鸡心黄皮在果实转黄后第3周(即花后12周)开始剧降,而无核黄皮在转黄后第4周(即花后13周)开始剧降,直至果实成熟;维生素C含量在果实发育成熟的早期有升有降,但在果实成熟后期即果实转黄后第3 ̄5周含量均急剧升高,最后成熟果维生素C含量显著高于青果。 This paper studies the growth curve and content variation of suger, titratable acid and Vitamine C, which in the two main wampee cuhivars (Clausena lansium Lour. Skeels cv. "Jixin" and Clausena lansium Lour. Skeels cv. "Yunan seedless3 during the process of fruit development. The results showed that the growth curve of fruit vertical diameter and transverse diameter were all a double sigmoid curve . Although the contents of sugar, acid and Vitamin C in the two cuhivars of wampee follow a contain variation pattern, with the fruit ripening changed regularly, they all have a significant correlation with the growing period during fruit development. The total soluble sugar gradually increased as fruit ripened, and leaped in the 12th week after full bloom in "Jixin" wampee while in 14th week in'Yunan seedless'wampee. The titratable acid gradually decreased during the fruit development, and decreased sharply in the late stage of fruit full maturity, i.e. in the 12th week after full bloom in ‘Jixin' wampee while in 13th week in ‘Yunan seedless’wampee. The content of Vitamine C went up and down in the early stage of fruit maturity, but increased sharply in the late stage of fruit full maturity. Finally, the content of Vitamine C in the ripen fruits is higher than the green ones.

关 键 词: 鸡心黄皮 郁南无核黄皮 果实生长 维生素

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 刘玉琴
作者 刘小玲
作者 崔珣
作者 蓝淑玲
作者 王晓东


机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 韩山师范学院体育系
机构 中山大学翻译学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林