作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
出 处: 《肇庆学院学报》 2007年第3期53-56,共4页
摘 要: 企业对外宣传材料的翻译在企业对外宣传中起着举足轻重的作用,然而,纵观各大企业对外宣传材料的译文,发现其质量参差不齐,劣质译文随处可见,严重影响了企业的对外宣传效果,并影响了国家的对外形象。针对这种情况,以“联塑集团”对外宣传材料译文为个案,在功能翻译理论的指导下,探讨了企业对外宣传材料翻译中语篇重构的必要性和合理性。 The translation of corporation publicity materials plays a significant role in introducing corporations to the outside world. However, in reality, the translations of many corporattion publicity materials are of poor quality,and thus affects the images of these corporations and even that of the country. In view of this situation,bases itself on the functionalist approach to translation and makes a case study of publicity material translations of Liansu Group Co. Ltd. with an aim to illustrate the necessity and significance of discourse restructuring in this type of translation.
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