机构地区: 广州中医药大学人文社科学院
出 处: 《厦门理工学院学报》 2007年第2期62-66,共5页
摘 要: 大量转移农村剩余劳动力,是解决“三农”问题的重要措施。而农村剩余劳动力转移不足有其体制根源,如人为地限制某些职业的竞争人数,使愿意者不能加入;增加某些职业的竞争,使其超过自然限度;限制劳动力和资本的自由流动等。因此,为促进农村剩余劳动力转移,政府在此过程中,应有所“为”,国家必须进行一系列现实的制度性安排:取消户口歧视,打破城乡壁垒;取消就业歧视;努力提高农村劳动力的素质;保护农民工合法权益;建立城乡统一的劳动力市场。 Transferring surplus rural labor force is the key to solving the problems concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers. The current inadequacy in the transfer of surplus rural labor force lies in its underlying systems. Specifically, such systematic hindrance can be exemplified in the purposeful limitation on the number of competitors in surplus rural labor force, in the unreasonable over-intensification of competition in surplus rural labor force, and in its holdback of the free flow of labor force and capital. These problems necessitate a series of systematic actions taken by the government in the process of enhancing the transfer of surplus rural labor force, eradicate the discrimination against rural labor force, qualify rural labor force in workplaces, protect farmer workers' legal rights, and set up a unified urban-rural labor market.
领 域: [经济管理]