机构地区: 南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院土木工程系
出 处: 《中国市政工程》 2007年第3期1-3,共3页
摘 要: 通过对泰州地区高速公路沥青路面早期水损坏的室外调查及数据统计,分析该地区高速公路沥青路面早期水损坏的现象及规律。介绍了钻心取样对路面芯样进行马歇尔、抽提筛分等室内实验研究的情况,总结出该地区高速公路沥青路面早期水损坏的原因主要是空隙率过大、施工拌和不均以及选用材料质量较差。最后提出防治早期水损坏应减小现场空隙率、加强施工现场管理与控制、选用SBS改性沥青。 The features and rules of water damage in early using time on asphalt pavement of expressways in Taizhou area were analyzed through its external investigation and statistics.Some internal experiments such as the Marshall experiment and the extraction & sieving about drilling core to pavement sample were introduced.Its primary causes of water damage were too large voidage,stirring without uniformity and worse quality material.The measures of preventing water damage in early using time should reduce voidage,strengthen management and controlling of field construction and choose SBS modified asphalt.
领 域: [交通运输工程]