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Introduction and Trial Planting of Guayule

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (洪有恒); (李德华); (秦松涛); (黄国钦);

机构地区: 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所

出  处: 《热带农业科学》 2007年第1期1-11,共11页

摘  要: 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所,于1983~1987年在云南、四川亚热带季风干热河谷气候区,江苏温带近海台地气候区,河南、陕西温带内陆河套平原气候区,甘肃内陆黄土高原丘陵沟壑于旱气候区,新疆内陆干旱草原气候区5个不同气候类型区与8个农、林场、科研所合作,开展银胶菊引种试种研究。结果表明:云南、四川干热河谷气候区2个试种点,未出现寒害死亡,但降雨量偏高,在雨季的中、后期,水害死亡严重,需做好防水、保土措施,才能正常生长、产胶;温带近海台地、内陆温带河套平原和黄土高原丘陵沟壑干旱类型区4个试种点,秋季多雨,冬季低温,植株尚未进入休眠期,低温寒害导致严重死亡;内陆干旱草原2个试种点,仅试种1a就自行放弃试种,试种未成功。建议冬前利用温室工厂化育苗,春暖适时定植后,人工灌溉控制植株营养生长和橡胶、树脂积聚,适期促进植株进入越冬休眠状态,提高其抗旱性,实现安全越冬是可能的。经过5a的研究,初步摸清银胶菊在不同环境条件下的适应性及在我国的适应范围,并筛选出5个高产银胶菊株系。 The South Subtropical Crops Research Institute under Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture had cooperated during the years from 1983 to 1987 with 4 farms, 1 forest farm and 3 local research institutes in 5 districts with different climate conditions to carry out the introduction and planting trial of guayule. Among which, 2 trial planting sites in dry and hot river valley districts in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces suffer no cold damage, and but the slightly high rainfall resulted in great loss of guayule plants during the middle and late rainy season. For the normal growth and good rubber yield of the guayule water drainage and soil conservation should be undertaken; in 4 trial planting sites in the terrace near the sea in the temperate zone, the interior Hetao Plain in the temperate zone as well as the arid loess plateau with hills and gullies, the serious loss of guayule plantings resulted from cold damage before the plants became dormant due to more rainfall in autumn and low temperature in winter; 2 trial planting sites located in the interior arid prairie were abandoned just one year after the experiment started and no data was available. Five years of trial planting has witnessed the adaptation of the guayule in different environments and its locations in China, and 5 high-yielding guayule lines were selected. For safe wintering of guayule practices recommended include greenhouse large scale propagation before winter, planting of the seedlings at the suitable time in warm spring, artificial irrigation to control the vegetative growth of the seedlings and accumulation of rubber and resin so as to promote the plants to fall into the wintering dormancy at the suitable time for their cold resistance.

关 键 词: 银胶菊 灰白银胶菊 曼陀罗银胶菊 灰白毛银胶菊 越冬 橡胶 树脂 寒害 水害

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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