机构地区: 荆楚理工学院
出 处: 《工业建筑》 2007年第6期73-75,50,共4页
摘 要: 用正交试验法对影响电化学除盐效率的主次因素进行研究,结果表明,电流密度的影响最大,其次是电解质溶液及水灰比,而初始氯离子掺量的影响最小。用压汞法测定孔隙率,发现经过电化学除盐后,钢筋附近混凝土中小于30nm的孔的数量增加,而远离钢筋的混凝土样孔隙率减小。本试验最优电化学除盐组合是电流密度为3A/m2,采用0.001mol/L Li2B4O7的饱和Ca(OH)2电解液。 The primary and secondary factors of influencing the efficiency of electrochemical chloride extraction(ECE) were investigated by orthogonal test method, the results show that eurrent density has the largest effeet, the seeond is the type of eleetrolytes and water to eement ratio of eonerete, initial ehloride eontent has the least effeet. Mercury intrusion porosimetry analysis for the samples ECE - treated and untreated ones were performed, for the ECE - treated samples porosity less than 30nm near rebar inereased and that far from rebar deereased. When an eleetrolyte eomposed of 0.001 mol/L Li2 B4 O7 and saturated Ca(OH)2 solution and eleetrieal eurrent density of 3 A/m^2 were adopted, the best desalination efficiency ean be achieved.
关 键 词: 正交试验 电化学除盐 电流密度 水灰比 电解质溶液
领 域: [建筑科学]