机构地区: 武汉理工大学物流工程学院
出 处: 《高教发展与评估》 2007年第3期22-24,共3页
摘 要: 总结国内外高校培养大学生科技创新能力的经验和方法,结合我国在校大学生实际,提出以制度为导向的课外创新团队为主要组织形式,建立开放型创新实验室和稳定的校外实践基地,以及加强实践环节的大学生科技创新能力的团队培养模式。 This paper sums up the experiences and methods of cultivating innovation ability for university student in Chinese and foreign universities.With the consideration of the situation in our country,this paper puts forward a group cultivating mode as a major organization form,which is oriented by the regulations,organized in the form of the extracurricular innovation group,and demands setting up opening innovation labs and stable out-of-school practice bases,and strengthening practice.