机构地区: 广东药学院
出 处: 《编辑学报》 2007年第3期224-225,共2页
摘 要: 依托广东药学院的办学特色和优势学科,《广东药学院学报》在栏目设置上突出药剂学学科,努力打造药剂学栏目的特色,取得了一定的成效。高校学报在正确建立自己的特色栏目的前提下,多渠道拓宽稿源,并在组稿上给予侧重,便可以办出自己的特色。 By relying on the disciplinary features and leading disciplines of Guangdong College of Pharmacy, the Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy has achieved some successes by highlighting pharmaceutics to foster distinctive columns in pharmaceutics. Under the precondition of setting up the distinctive columns, the academic journals of institutions of higher education can develop their distinctive features by broadening contribution sources and attaching emphasis on the leading disciplines.
领 域: [文化科学]