机构地区: 美国农业部
出 处: 《北京林业大学学报》 2007年第3期178-184,共7页
摘 要: 在全球变化的背景下,研究森林植被与水资源相互作用的森林水文学和流域管理科学在国际上得到迅猛发展.作为一种新型的水文研究和流域管理工具,流域水文模拟模型在中国越来越为森林水文和流域管理工作者所接受和使用.该文在总结了中国在森林水文研究中的主要问题后,介绍了森林流域水文模拟模型的基本概念、分类方法以及在开展森林与水关系研究中的主要作用,总结了流域水文模拟模型的主要功能.并以分布式水文模型MIKE SHE为例介绍了模型的结构组成、开发和应用过程.最后提出该模型在中国应用中要注意的问题,包括中国土地利用的独特性、历史水文气象数据的可靠性和共享性. Mathematical models are simplified representations of the real world. Computer simulation models have been well accepted in the international hydrologic community for various reasons. This paper explored the role of simulation models in forest hydrological research and watershed management by using the MIKE SHE model as one example. Modeling concepts and the modeling procedures were reviewed. The authors stress that modeling is a powerful tool, but can not replace empirical investigations, and it should be used as an integral part of modern hydrological studies and comprehensive watershed management. The authors also discussed the needs of hydrologic modeling studies in China under the current nationwide reforestation campaign.
领 域: [农业科学]