机构地区: 南方医科大学南方医院
出 处: 《西北医学教育》 2007年第4期750-752,共3页
摘 要: 结构主义教学观是一种新的教学理论,已逐渐成为大学教学模式的重要理论,本科生外科学教学模式落后一直是影响学生学习效果的主要问题。本文尝试从结构主义理论的角度出发,探索新的外科学教学模式,实践证明运用结构主义教学观能有效提高外科学教学效果。 Constructivism concept of teaching is the latest teaching theory, and has become a dominant instructional theory in colleges and universities. What has been plaguing undergraduate students' learning results is the outdated surgery teaching method. From the viewpoint of constructivism theory, the authors of this article aim at exploring the new mode of surgery teaching. Practice has proved that constructivism concept of teaching can effectively improve teaching of surgery.