机构地区: 广州中医药大学
出 处: 《中医教育》 2007年第3期28-31,共4页
摘 要: 回顾总结了近10年来伤寒论课程建设所进行的有益探索。包括:更新教育理念采用了建构主义学习方法、PBL教学法在伤寒论教学中进行尝试,创新教学方法有临床实践教学、体验试教学、实验教学、师生易位教学法,革新考试内容,构建多样模式,创新教材建设,凝练教师队伍,提升教学水平等。 This paper reviewed and summarized our ten years experience in course building of teaching the Treatise on Febrile Diseases. Educational concept was reformed to adopt constructive learning method and PBL method for teaching of the Treatise on Febrile Diseases. Teaching method was reformed including such innovative methods as clinical practice teaching, experiential teaching, experimental teaching, and teacher-student transposal teaching. Examination method was also reformed to construct multi-modules. Teaching materials were innovated and teaching staff were further trained to improve teaching level.