机构地区: 北京师范大学资源学院环境演变与自然灾害实验室
出 处: 《中国安全科学学报》 2007年第3期33-39,共7页
摘 要: 利用已建立的大型公共场所人员疏散行为模型,首先针对案例超市Ⅰ,在考虑疏散安全的前提下,研究了公共场所中被疏散人员的个体差异、障碍物的数量和布局差异以及疏散出口的宽度等因素对人员容量的影响,得出了不能简单地通过计算建筑面积或营业面积与给定的人员密度的乘积来设置公共场所人员容量的结论。进一步针对案例超市Ⅱ,在假设其被疏散人员构成与案例超市Ⅰ一致的条件下,通过模拟对比两个案例超市的人员容量,验证了应用均一化的人员密度来控制不同公共场所人员容量的规定不具有普适性,公共场所人员容量的确定必须要根据具体场所的实际情况来具体分析。 Applying the evacuation simulation model of public facility, this paper firstly took supermarket Ⅰ as a case and analyzed how the capacity of public facility is affected by the individual characteristics of personnel, the amount and the arranging mode of barriers, and the width of egress. It was concluded that the capacity of public facility should not be calculated simply by the building area multiplied by the given personnel density. Then, a capacity compare of supermarket Ⅰ with supermarket Ⅱ under the same conditions was made by simulation, it is proved that it is of no universality to apply the same personnel density as the standard in different public facilities and the capacity of specific public facility should be decided respectively according to its own conditions.
关 键 词: 公共场所 疏散模型 容量限制 人员密度 公共安全
领 域: [建筑科学]